A lot of people are gong to be sitting in the church pew, and feeling super uncomfortable because they haven't been to church since last Easter and they feel the judgmental eyes staring right at them.
A lot of people are going to watch kids binge eat candy and fight over plastic eggs and hug a giant creepy bunny and wonder how on earth we got from a Remembrance of the Risen Christ to this bullshit they're witnessing right now.
A lot of people are going to be at home, scrolling through social media in their sweat pants and seeing all the pictures, feeling like they belong anywhere but the inside of a church building with all those people singing sons that don't seem to mean anything and wearing name brand clothes and yanking their kids by the ear fro talking during the prayer.
And a lot of people are just going to be wandering around, mindless, going through the motions because this is just what they've always done or what they've always thought was "right."
Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter - this is most likely not what you were taught it was.
It's not about wearing a floral dress. It's not about going to a church service. It's not about the egg hunt. It's not about the family pictures. It's not about the egg bake. It's not about who's in or who's out.
It's about the Journey of Remembrance.
It's about collectively remembering that Jesus spent a human life on Earth - living, breathing, hurting, eating, sleeping, healing, being in relationship, teaching, wandering, listening, losing, feeling all the feels, and then dying a death more painful than almost any of us could ever imagine - FOR US. Because he wanted to seal the deal. Give us a glimpse of how vast the Love of God really is.
By dying the death of a criminal, he gave us an opportunity for life.
It's raw. It's dirty. It's bloody and stinky and messy and emotional -
It's everything except a floral dress in a church service.
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